During the December holidays of 2011, Nathan Lausberg (Aged 11) accompanied his parents to Nkotswi Village in Venda near the Pafuri Gate of the Kruger National Park to visit friends.
On the morning of 15 January 2012, Nathan ran to the local village some 300m away to play with his “village” friends. Being a white boy, the local dogs saw him as a threat and attacked him to obviously protect their masters. Several of the elders immediately responded to the shout emanating from the scared 11-year-old boy.
Nathan was immediately brought back to his parents to take care of his wounds he had just sustained. CAMED Wound Spray (still in test phase) was immediately administered to the wounds and thoroughly cleaned. A dressing was applied in order to keep the wound clean whilst they played in the dirt and swam in the Mutale River.
In addition to the CAMED Wound Support, Verorab was also administered (IV) three times in the likely event of the dog being Rabid. These village dogs only eat what can be found.
The photos below show the various stages of healing.
ONLY CAMED Wound Support was administered to this dog bite wound.
By cleaning the wound site of any and all bacteria once the dog had bitten and “feeding” the wound with CAMED Wound Support throughout the healing process, no septicaemia occurred at all!
Click here to find out more about CAMED Wound Support